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Simple self-care practices for busy moms

1. Go to yoga, meditate and get your body moving

Yoga and meditation are great for you! Yoga is a wonderful activity for getting yourself into your “me time” and meditation can have an impact on many areas of your life. Find a meditation practice that fits your schedule and a workout routine. 15 minutes is better than none and it all adds up. Whatever you choose, just move every day

2. Laugh and have coffee with a good friend 

Laugh and de-stress your life. Don’t forget that connecting with others is good for your soul! Get together with a good friend, have a coffee and enjoy your time. You don't have to necessarily to go out and meet new people, instead just focus on the people who are already in your life, family or close friends.

3. Read books or listen to your favorite music

Reading books helps reduce stress and is a good way to relax before bed. If books are not “your cup of tea”, what about listening to your favorite music? How do you not get happy when you hear your favorite song? Our recommendation is some oriental or classic guitar music!

4. Simplify your beauty routine with a beauty treatment

Treat your body well! The phrase, “your body is a temple” is important to remember as you make yourself a priority. Get a wax treatment, book a manicure or get your hair done. Sometimes the small things can make you feel beautiful again. It is very simple when you look good, you feel good.

    5. Take a community education class

    Take time to invest in your mind by learning a new skill or taking on a hobby. Often moms feel guilty for taking time out of the day to do something on their own but it is not selfish to do something you like and feel better!

    6. Be yourself

    Think about what you loved to do before you had children and find ways to integrate this into your life and “me time.” It could be a passion you never pursued. When you spend time doing things that bring you joy, your happiness will grow!

    7. Take a hot bath

    Essential oils offer a powerful path to self-healing and self-care. A perfect combination for stress relief is to diffuse a few drops of lavender oil into a hot bath and light a few candles. Play with different combinations until you find the mix that works with your needs. Grab a sponge and give yourself a little drop of love in the shower with a bit of grapefruit. It is another refresher which will really start your day off well.

    8. Get Sleep

    Sleep is essential to stay healthy. Go to bed on time so you can get 7-8 hours of sleep. Get enough sleep so you have the energy you want and need for the day. When you are tired, you are more likely to skip workouts! Stay away from stimulating food with caffeine, sugar, and alcohol. Whenever possible, though, put a higher priority on your sleep.

    9. Make Healthier Choices

    Make better choices about the food you consume – less sugar, more fresh fruits, and vegetables. Eat healthy, nutritious food that makes you feel good, not tired. Listen to your body and how the food you eat makes you feel. Eat nutritious food so you feel energized. Your children are watching how you treat yourself. When you eat healthy food, your kids will follow your lead. Start meal planning, or begin using a diet and health tracker app.

    10. Do activities that make you happy.

    Make a list of things that bring you joy or things you would like to try. Make sure the list is easily visible by putting it on the table to remind you every day.

    A happy mother is the best mother!


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